If fish move around less that means if they swim less or swim slowly than usual then it might happen because the aquarium has a low oxygen level. Moreover if all of the fishes in the aquarium are eating less food then it is definite that aquarium has a low oxygen level. Some of the major symptoms of low oxygen levels in fish tanks are labored breathing, gasping at the surface and rapid gill movements.
If an aquarium is not overstocked or it is well maintained then low oxygen levels are a rare problem. But if the fish start to gasp at the surface of the water then it would be an alarming situation to be further investigated. The average Aquarium fish cannot survive more than a day in an oxygen depleted tank. Aquarium test kits could be used for checking the oxygen levels in aquarium.
The process would take place by simply adding the drops to a sample of the aquarium water and then compare the color to the chart in order to determine the amount of dissolved oxygen in the tank. There are some reasons why Aquarium might not have the levels of oxygen that it mainly requires. A common reason could be overstocking the aquarium. Sometimes raised water temperature also results in low oxygen levels.
If there is excess waste in the aquarium and lack of surface movement then it results in low levels of oxygen. It is important to notice the improper use of medications as well as chemicals to keep a check on levels of oxygen. The behavior of fish change rapidly if the the tank has low oxygen levels they start consuming less feed and the movements also get disturbed. It is sign to be taken into account immediately.
Table of Contents
Symptoms of low level of oxygen in fish tanks
When the levels of O2 start dropping too low no alarms would ring. However rather than measuring the O2 levels through an oxygen sensor it is important to consider the behavior of fish in the fish tank. So what should an individual look out for in his fish?
- Rapid gill movements
- Gasping at surgery
- Labored breathing
Once the behaviour is observed it is necessary to measure the amount of O2 in the fish tank by means of a dissolved oxygen probe sensor on immediate basis.
Ways of increasing oxygen in a fish tank
Below are the ways of increasing oxygen in a fish tank:
- The most simple way of increasing O2 in a fish tank is pouring water at a slow pace.
- One of the greatest tips is that a water change up to 50% would eventually help in passing large amounts of oxygenated water into the fish tank.
- Another useful way of increasing O2 levels is manually stirring the water. This could help in forcing movements inside the fish tank that increases aeration.
- If the fish tanks suffers from low O2 levels because of rising temperatures then adding ice cubes would help in cooling down the water.
- Always place the ice cubes in an airtight bag while adding into the aquarium as they would not melt into the aquarium water which have a risk of causing fluctuations in the water parameters.
- It is important to monitor the temperature levels through temperature sensor if you perform water changes or blow a fan in order to increase O2 levels.
- A battery powered air pump is the most well known yet helpful way of keeping water moving inside the fish tank.
What are the ways of ensuring a good surface movement?
Following are the ways of ensuring a good surface movement:
- The first and foremost is having aquarium bubblers such as air stones that are attached to an air pump through an airline.
- It is important to place HOB filters that release filtered water at the surface resulting in water motion.
- Powerheads tend to be very helpful and could be placed throughout an aquarium causing water movement.
- It is impotent to place spray bars that are mainly attached to the external filters outlet pipe. They spray water onto the surface of water in a gentle manner that causes agitation.
Is low level of lighting for plants harmful?
It is a known fact that the plants use carbon dioxide and release oxygen into the water. However the process is reversed in poor or dark lighting conditions in which plants use oxygen and release carbon dioxide. Good artificial aquarium lighting would help in ensuring that the reversal in process does not occur.
Excess waste in the fish tank:
Excess waste in the fish tank could clog up filter that have a high risk of causing a decrease in the dissolving of oxygen. It mainly lowers the oxygen carrying capacity of water in general terms. However good maintenance of aquarium can solve this problem.
Certain chemicals such as water conditioners as well as medications could also have a direct negative impact on the oxygen carrying ability of the water whenever they are used in incorrect amount. It is important to ensure that individual reads the label on aquarium products and follows all the instructions carefully in order to avoid any unforeseen situation.
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Lena Whitmore is the lead writer at FishClans.com, bringing over 10 years of fishkeeping expertise and a master’s degree in Marine Biology to the site. Her extensive knowledge and practical tips have established her as a respected authority in the aquarist community. Lena’s work has appeared in leading publications and she frequently speaks at industry events.
Connect with Lena and FishClans on Facebook, Pinterest, and Instagram.